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肯尼亚符合性认证 清关COC证书 PVoC认证介绍
所有出口到肯尼亚的产品需要满足肯尼亚出口前符合性认证 (PVoC) 的要求
NormalTCI 澳门游戏提醒:出口肯尼亚贸易商 KEBS 批准发布使用电子版 COC
依据《肯尼亚标准法令》第496章(Standards Act Cap 496,laws of Kenya)和2005年7月发布 的《第78号进口产品质量法令》(Quality Imports Order No.78),为确保进口产品的质量,为肯尼亚 消费者提供安全、健康、环境等方面的保护,肯尼亚标准局(KEBS)于2005年9月29日开始实施出口 前标准符合性验证计划(PVoC)。
在实施PVoC计划之前,肯尼亚采取对进口货物实行到货验证制度,但容易导致货物进港的延迟,而 且对于不合格的产品,KEBS还需将其遣返或以不污染环境的方式销毁而造成额外负担。因此,从2005年起开始采用PVoC这种出货前验证的方式。
肯尼亚标准局(KEBS)于2005年9月29日开始实施出口前标准符合性验证计划(PVoC)。PVoC目录内的产品必须在出货前获得符合性证书(CoC),到港时提供给肯尼亚海关,否则将无法入境。如果没有CoC 特殊情况下可由KEBS决定对该批货物实施检验,并处以罚款。
8501~8513 & 8515~8548(不包括8542)
8708 汽车(新)零件、附件
9008 投影仪、复印机
9501~9503,9506 & 9507. 有轮玩偶和类似玩具,玩偶;鱼杆,鱼钩;体育及健身设备
所有二手道路车辆(定义参见KS 1515)
PVoC 包括以下关键要素:
方式 a):每批货物检验及测试出口商联系所在国的PVoC办事处,提交填写好的认证申请书(RFC)和本批货物的形成发票,或者由肯尼亚进口商提交进口声明表格(IDF)和形成发票复印件,启动PVoC过程。PVoC办事处对货物进行检验,确认其是否满足肯尼亚标准/技术规范的要求,并抽取样品进行测试,如果 测试结果合格,将根据进口商提供的货物最终发票颁发CoC证书(对于航空运输,允许根据形式发票颁发证书)。 方式a)的CoC证书有效期为90天,只对该批次的货物有效。食品、药品、化学物品只能使用方式a)。
方式b):产品注册、检验及有限测试如果同样一种产品多次出口到肯尼亚,建议使用方式b)。出口商向PVoC登记、许可/认证中心提出申请,提交产品符合肯尼亚标准/技术规范或国际标准的自我声明,以及由按照ISO/IEC标准认可的实验室出具的产品测试报告、ISO 9000 证书等技术支持文件。PVoC登记、许可/认证中心审核出口商提交的文件,如发现问题,将要求整改。确认产品满足要求后,PVoC中心将颁布产品登记证。出货时出口商应向PVoC办事处提交产品登记证复印件、认证申请书和货物的形式发票,PVoC办事处同样要对货物进行检验,但只对个别批次抽样测试。出口商还需提供货物最终发票,PVoC办事处审核各种文件后颁发CoC证书。产品登记证有效期1年,产品须持续满足登记要求。如果产品进行了修改,修改后的产品也必须相应进行产品登记证的修改。
2.所有二手车辆须符合KS 1515:2000及其他肯尼亚标准或技术规范;
肯尼亚 PVOC-COC 证书样本
根据2019年6月4日肯尼亚发布的政府公告OP/CAB9/83A,为了确保所有进口到肯尼亚的产品都严格符合国家要求,由以下11家政府机构监管的货物也将开始按照肯尼亚标准局KEBS(Kenyan Bureau of Standards)实施的出口前符合性评定方案 PVoC (Pre-Export Verification of Conformity)进行管控。货品在清关时需提供一张Enriched CoC,以证明该商品符合肯尼亚适用的有关标准和技术法规。
Partner Government Agencies ‘Regulated Products and Required Documentation
1 Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK)
1.1 Products Regulated by CAK
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
8526 |
Radar apparatus, radio navigational aid apparatus, Radio remote control apparatus |
1.1 Documents Required
i. Import Permits and Licenses issued by CAK
2 Directorate of Veterinary Services(DVS)
2.1 Products Regulated by DVS
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
0101-0106 |
Live animals |
2. |
0201-0210 |
Fresh/chilled carcasses only |
3. |
0506 |
Bones and born-cores |
4. |
0511 |
Animal semen |
5. |
4101-4103 |
Raw hides and skins |
6. |
3002 |
Blood and related products |
7. |
0407.11-0407.19 |
Hatching eggs for chicken ent. |
1.1 Documents Required
ii. Import Permits and Licenses issued by DVS
2 Fisheries Department
2.1 Products Regulated by Fisheries Department
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
0301-0302 |
Fish Live, fresh or chilled |
2. |
0306 |
Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, or chilled |
3. |
0307 |
Mollusks, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled |
4. |
0308 |
Other aquatic invertebrates |
5. |
0511.91.10 |
Fish eggs |
2.2 Documents Required
i. Import Permits and Licenses issued by Fisheries Department
3 Kenya Civil Aviation Authority(KCAA)
3.1 Products Regulated by KCAA
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
Balloons and dirigibles; gliders, hang gliders and other non-powered aircraft and parts thereof |
4.2 Documents Required
i. Import Permits and Licenses issued by KCAA
4 Kenya Maritime Authority(KMA)
4.1 Products Regulated by KMA
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
Ships, boats and floating structures |
2. |
Spares |
4.2 Documents Required
i. Import Permits and Licenses issued by KMA
5 Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service(KEPHIS)
5.1 Products Regulated by KEPHIS
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
0701-0709 |
Edible vegetables and certain roots and tubers –(Fresh/chilled) |
2. |
1211,1213 |
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder |
3. |
Seeds for sowing under any chapter. |
5.2 6.2 Documents Required for Inspection
i. Import permit issued by KEPHIS
ii. Phytosanitary certificates from the exporting country
6 Mines and Geological Department(MGD)
6.1 Products Regulated by Mines and Geological Department
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
3601-3604 |
Explosives and pyrotechnic substances |
7.2 Documents Required
i. Import Permits and Licenses issued by MGD
7 Pest Control Products Board(PCPB)
7.1 Products Regulated by PCPB
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
2. |
3808 |
Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, germicides, anti-sprouting products |
7.2 Documents Required for Inspection
i. Import(The permit issued under regulation 2(1) shall be valid for six(6) months from the date of issue
ii. Certificate of Analysis for the pesticides being imported
iii. Valid certificate of registration of the pest control products by PCPB
iv. Well labeled pesticide packaging material or container shall include; but not limited to; Name and address of Manufacturer and Formulator, Country origin, Date of manufacturer, Expiry date, Batch number Amount/quantity
v. Provision of a ‘No Objection’ letter from the local agent of the product if importing a product not under agency ship
vi. Evidence of appointed local agent in Kenya
8 Pharmacy and Poisson’s Board(PPB)
8.1 Products Regulated by PPB
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
3003,3004 |
Medicaments |
2. |
3006.60.00 |
Chemical contraceptive preparation based on hormones. |
8.2 Documents Required for Inspection
i. Importer’s Valid License issued by PPB
ii. Ethical Committee Approval Letter(only for controlled substances intended for scientific purposes such as clinical trials)
iii. Import Permit Issued by PPB for pharmaceutical products
iv. Permit for licit Narcotics, Psychotropic and Precursor substances issued by PPB
v. Certificate(s) of Analysis(CoAs) of product(s)
vi. Patient Information Leaflet(PIL) of pharmaceuticals
vii. Well labeled medicaments shall include; but not limited to; Name and address of the Manufacturer, Country origin, Date of manufacturer, Expiry date, Batch number, Amount/quantity
viii. Minilab tests(Raman spectroscopy) CoA
Note: Quantities of the products being imported should tally with those allowed on the permit
8.3 Requirements for Pharmaceutical Inspectors
i. Be a trained pharmacist who is duly registered in the country of practice
ii. Should be conversant with international drug control conventions
Note: the PVoC partner should have adequate laboratory infrastructure as spelt out in the WHO GOOD Practices for Pharmaceutical Quality Control Laboratories, World Health Organization, 2010 Technical Report Series,No.957,Annex 1.
9 Radiation Protection Board(RPB)
9.1 Products Regulated by (RPB)
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
3844-2845 |
Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive isotopes |
9.2 Documents Regulated by (RPB)
i. Import permit issued by RPB
10 Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD)
10.1 Products Regulated by (VMD)
No. |
HS Code |
Product Description |
1. |
Animal Medicaments (excluding goods of heading 30.02,30.05 or 30.06) together for therapeutic or more constituents which have been mixed together for therapeutic or prophylactic uses, not put up in measured doses or in forms or packing’s for retail sale. |
10.2 Documents Required for Inspection
i. A market authorization issued by the VMD
ii. Valid Exporter Market Authorization License issued by VMD
iii. Exporter’s Valid Import License issued by VMD
iv. Licensed Local Technical Representative , if the exporter has no physical presence in Kenya
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