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GCC 认证之 GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol GCTS )符合性标识使用规则

按照 GSO 2016 6 26 日公布的 GSO 证书注册系统实施的公告,自 2017 1 1 日起, GSO 符合性追溯标识 GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (简称 GCTS )必须根据符合性评定程序粘贴在所有相关产品上。关于如何使用 GCTS 标志, GSO 于上周进一步发布了 GSO 符合性追溯标识的使用规则。

2017 1 1 日起,所有产品应带有 GCTS 标志,并且满足使用规则中的要求。

■在最新的使用规则中,包含 G marking 、指定机构( Notified Body )的四位代码和二维码的 GCTS 标识必须黏贴在产品、外包装和产品随机的文件上。详细的尺寸说明以及使用指南,请参见下文(注:中文版本为非官方译本,仅供参考。若中英文文本存在歧义,以官方英文文件为准)。


GSO 符合性追溯标识 Conformity Tracking Symbol (简称 GCTS )使用规则


GSO 符合性追溯标识( GCTS :由 GSO 授予的符号,代表海湾地区符合性标识连同其下的数字注释,这些数字为 GSO 官方认可的指定机构( Notified Body )的四位识别代码,以及由 GSO 证书追溯系统生成的用于追溯和跟踪的二维码。

GSO 证书追溯系统 :一种用于注册所有带有 GCTS 标识并服从指定机构的符合性评定程序的产品的电子系统。

1 GSO 符合性追溯标识( GCTS )的形式和展示:

1.1 GSO 符合性追溯标识( GCTS )应以适当的形式显示;本文件中详细介绍了该标识的尺寸和颜色。

1.2 指定机构应仅将从 GSO 证书追溯系统中下载的主版本用于复制 GCTS ,其格式如图 1.1 所示。以下设计格式仅用于图样说明,不得复制。任何情况下都禁止对 GSO 符合性追溯标识主版本的设计或外观做任何变动。

1.3 指定机构的四位识别代码应当位于 GSO 符合性标识下的中心位置,如下图 1.1 中的 XXXX 所示:

1.1 GSO 符合性追溯标识( GCTS

1.4 指定机构应当下载由 GSO 证书追溯系统生成的 GCTS 标识,将 GCTS 标识放在证书的第一页。 GCTS 的尺寸通常最小为 4 厘米宽、 2.2 厘米高,如图 1.2 所示。

1.2 GCTS —仅限证书

1.5 GCTS 标识应当由制造商、制造商授权代表或者进口商粘贴在产品上,并且应当满足以下要求:

1.5.1 GCTS 标识应当粘贴在产品或其标签(铭牌)上,并且满足图 1.3-a 或图 1.3-b 所示的最小尺寸。

如果因产品的性质而不可能或不能保证粘贴该标识,则按照技术法规文件第 18 章的规定,需符合条款 1.5.2 的要求。

1.3-a GCTS 标识—仅限产品 / 包装 / 用户使用手册

1.3-b GCTS 标识—仅限产品 / 包装 / 用户使用手册

1.5.2 含有指定机构代码的 GSO 符合性标识应当粘贴在产品上或其标签(铭牌)上,高度最低为 5 毫米(不包括指定机构代码),具体要求如图 1.4 所示。

如果因产品的性质而不可能或不能保证粘贴该标识,则按照技术法规文件第 18 章的规定,需符合条款 1.5.3 的要求。

1.4 GSO 符合性标识—仅限产品

1.5.3 尽管有条款 1.5.1 1.5.2 的规定,在任何情况下, GCTS 标识都应当粘贴在产品外包装和随附的文件(比如用户使用说明书)上。 GCTS 标识的格式应当满足图 1.3-a 或者图 1.3-b 中显示的最小尺寸要求。

1.5.4 按照条款 1.5.1 1.5.2 的规定, GCTS 标识应保证清晰、可读及其永久性,并且应能通过扫描仪或智能手机的读取器读取。

1.5.5 GSO 符合性标识应当符合海湾合作委员会国家的海湾技术条例“ BD09100501 ”中的相关要求。 GSO 符合性标识的最小尺寸为 5 毫米(不包括指定机构的代码)。

1.6 如需放大或者缩小 GCTS ,应当保持相同比例,如图 1.3-a 和图 1.3-b 所示。

1.7 GSO 符合性标识、指定机构代码和二维码在放大或缩小过程中应当被视为一个完整的实体,如图 2 所示。

1.8 GCTS 标识可被复制为黑色或白色,或者采用本文件中详细介绍的颜色方案。此外, GSO 符合性追溯标识可在占主导地位的油墨颜色上单色打印或显示,或采用包装上的主导色打印或显示在包装上,或者使用其他单一的颜色,如图 3-a 和图 -b 所示。



1.9 如果 GCTS 以电子方式复制,则需符合以下要求:

a )不会发生填满的现象。

b )避免 GCTS 图形的降级和 / 或失真。

c GCTS 的电子版本应从 GSO 证书追溯系统获得。

2 GCTS 的使用:

2.1 综述

2.1.1 指定机构在证书上使用 GCTS 标识。根据指定机构符合性评定程序,将 GCTS 标识粘贴在产品上是制造商或进口商的任务。

2.1.2 不得使用 GCTS 标识误导或伪造合规性。

2.1.3 GSO 符合性标识连同指定机构代码的使用不得误导指定机构的状态。

2.1.4 任何有关 GCTS 的可能违反本文件中规定的使用要求的使用情况应当立即转交 GSO

2.1.5 GCTS 的使用不得暗示 GSO 接受在认可范围内开展的活动的责任。

2.2 指定机构认证活动的暂停和终止:

2.2.1 在发出认证活动暂停通知后,指定机构应当立即停止一切认证活动,停止在 GSO 证书追溯系统激活二维码。暂停状态应当一直保持到 GSO 授权恢复或者发出终止通知。在暂停期间,指定机构应当停止一切认证活动。

2.2.2 在发出终止通知之后,指定机构应当立即停止颁发带有 GCTS 的证书。指定机构有权上诉,详细信息见附录( 7 )。

2.2.3 如果产品经营方取消证书,指定机构应当采取一切合理步骤,确保被许可人立即停止在其产品标签和包装上使用 GCTS 标识,暂停为其在 GSO 证书追溯系统上激活二维码,并移除 GCTS 标识。

3 GCTS 对于指定机构及其获证客户的要求

3.1 GCTS 应与证书相关。

3.2 GCTS 应当只用于指定机构发放的 GSO 计划认证内的产品。

3.3 GCTS 不得与指定机构的徽标 / 标志一同使用,如图 4 所示。

3.4 指定机构应当核实证书持有人对 GCTS 的使用情况。

4 :( GCTS )清晰的分隔


GSO- Rules for the Use of the GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS)


- GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS): – A symbol granted by GSO representing the Gulf Conformity Marking along with numerals annotated underneath, being a four digit Notified Body identification number and a QR code for traceability and tracking which is generated by the GSO certificate tracking system.

- GSO Certificate Tracking System: – An electronic system to register all products that hold the (GCTS) and are subject to the notified bodies conformity assessment procedures.

1- Form and display of the GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS):

1.1 The GSO Conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS) shall be displayed in the appropriate form only; the size and color are detailed in this documents.

1.2 Notified Bodies shall base all reproductions of the GCTS only from master versions available as a download from the GSO certificate tracking system and formatted as shown in Fig 1.1. The design format below is for illustration only, and not for any reproduction. Change of design or appearance of the master version of the GSO conformity tracking symbol is in all cases strictly prohibited.

1.3 The GC Marking in conjunction with the relevant four-digit identification number for the notified body shall be located centrally under the GC Marking as indicated XXXX in Fig 1.1 below:

Fig 1.1: GSO conformity Tracking Symbol (GCTS)

1.4. The Notified Body shall download the GCTS, that is generated by the GSO certificate tracking system. Notified body shall affix the GCTS to the first page of the Certificate. GCTS shall normally have minimum dimensions of 4 cm (width) and 2.20 cm (height) as indicated in Figure 1.2.

Fig 1.2: GCTS- Certificates only

1.5 GCTS shall be affixed to the products by the manufacturer, his authorized representative, or the importer under the responsibility of the notified body, and shall meet the following requirements:

1.5.1 GCTS shall be affixed to the product or its label (data plate) and meet the minimum dimensions as shown in Fig 1.3-a or Fig 1.3-b.

Where this is not possible or not warranted on account of the nature of the product, the provision of clause (1-5-2) from this point shall be applied, in accordance with the provisions of article (18) from this regulation.

Fig 1.3-a: GCTS- product / packaging/ user manual only

Fig 1.3-b: GCTS- product / packaging/ user manual only

1.5.2 The GC marking with the number of notified body shall be affixed to the product or its label (data plate) and have a minimum height at least 5 millimeters (excluding the number of notified body), requirement specified in Fig 1.4.

Where this is not possible or not warranted on account of the nature of the product, the provision of clause (1-5-3) from this point shall be applied, in accordance with the provisions of article (18) from this regulation.

Fig 1.4: The GC marking - product only

1.5.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of clauses (1-5-1 and 1-5-2),GCTS shall be affixed to the product outer packaging and the accompanying documents (such as the user instruction manual) in all cases. Its format shall meet the minimum dimensions shown in Fig 1.3-a or Fig 1.3-b.

1.5.4 GCTS in accordance with clauses (1-5-1 &1-5-2) shall be easily visible, readable and permanent and shall be readable by a scanner or reader application of a smartphone.

1.5.5 The GC Marking shall be in accordance with the requirements of the relevant Gulf technical regulation for conformity marking for the GCC Countries "BD09100501", and have a minimum dimension for GC marking of 5 mm, excluding the number of the notified body.

1.6 GCTS for any enlargement or reduction shall retain the same proportions as those of the masters reproduced in this documents, as shown in Fig 1.3-a and Fig 1.3-b.

1.7 The GC Marking and the notified body number and QR Code shall be considered as a single entity for purposes of enlargement or reduction, as shown in Fig 2.

Fig 2: - Enlargement or reduction of (GCTS)

1.8 GCTS may be reproduced in either black and white or in a color scheme as detailed in this document. Alternatively, the GSO conformity tracking symbol may be printed or displayed in a single color, which is the predominant ink color, or in the case of a pre-printed packaging, the predominant ink color of the packaging, or the use of another single color, as shown in Fig 3-a and Fig 3-b.

Fig 3-a: - (GCTS) positive and negative versions

Fig 3-b: - (GCTS) on background

1.9 Where the GCTS is reproduced electronically the following applies:

(a) Infilling does not occur.

(b) Degradation and/or distortion of GCTS graphic is avoided.

(c) Electronic versions of GCTS shall be obtained from GSO certificate tracking system

2- Use of GCTS:

2.1 General

2.1.1 Notified Body use GCTS on certificates. Subject to the notified body conformity assessment procedures, it is the role of manufacturers or importers to affix GCTS on products under the responsibility a Notified Body.

2.1.2 GCTS shall not be used in such a way to mislead or falsify conformity in any manner.

2.1.3 The GC marking along with the number of the notified body shall not be used in any way that might mislead as to the notification status of the notified body.

2.1.4 Any use of the GCTS that might contravene the conditions of use laid down in this documents shall be referred immediately to GSO.

2.1.5 GCTS shall not be used in such a way as to imply that the GSO accepts responsibility for activities carried out under the scope of notification.

2.2. Suspension and termination of Notified body's certification activities:

2.2.1 Upon issuing a suspension of a notified body certification activity, the notified body shall immediately cease all Certification activities, discontinue to activate the QR Code from the GSO Certificate tracking system. The suspension shall remain in place until reinstatement is authorized by the GSO or a Termination Notice is given. While under suspension a Notified Body shall cease all certification activity

2.2.2 Upon termination of notified body's activities, a notified body shall immediately cease issuing any Certificate bearing the GCTS. The Notified Body has the right of appeal as detailed in


2.2.3 In the event that certificate is withdrawn from an economic operator, the notified body shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that its licensees shall immediately cease the use of products with labeling and packaging bearing the GCTS, and suspend activating the QR Code from the GSO Certificate Tracking system and remove the GCTS.

3 - Requirements of GCTS for Notified Body and their Certified Clients

3.1 GCTS shall be relevant to the certificate.

3.2 GCTS shall only be used in connection with a product certified by a notified body under the GSO Scheme.

3.3 GCTS shall not be used in conjunction with the logo/mark of the notified body, as shown in Fig 4.

Fig 4: - (GCTS) clear space

3.4 Notified body shall verify of the use of the GCTS by their certificate holders.

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